Training for Maya Green Growers Co-operative of San Antonio
On Wednesday, April 20, 2022 the Department of Co-operatives facilitated to Maya Green Growers Co-operative of San Antonio, Cayo a training workshop on the conduct of meetings. Meetings are important for the success of any organization. In co-operatives there are two main classes of meetings: general meetings and management committee meetings. General meetings are meetings where all members of a co-operative attend. Section 21 of the Co-operative Societies Act (Chapter 313, Laws of Belize) Subsidiary reads that “The supreme authority in a registered society shall be vested in the general meeting of members at which every member has a right to attend and vote on all questions.” This is where and how members exercise their ownership, authority and control of the co-operative.
There is no fixed number of special general meetings to be held in a year; the number depends on the frequency at which urgent issues arise.
In every co-operative, members elect a Management Committee to run the affairs of the society on their behalf. That committee should consist of seven members.
In order to carry out duties entrusted by the general meetings, the committee is mandated to hold monthly meetings. However, these may be more often depending on the business of the co-operative.
The discussions during such meetings typically include:
• consideration and confirmation of the minutes of the previous meetings;
• discussion on and verification of the accounts of the co-op (liquidity position);
• receipt of and discussion on various reports of the co-op (includes activity and sub committee reports).
• discussion of the financial obligations of the co-op (creditors and other commitments).
• discussion on any other matters that affects the running of the business of the co-op