Technical Visit to El Salvador
Coordinator of the National Food and Nutrition Security Commission, Mr. Emilio Montero, was on a technical visit to El Salvador from June 1st to June 3rd, 2022.
The purpose of the visit was to have a first hand experience of the results beneficiaries in Salvador had in the project Sembrando Vida. The three day visit will include tours of plots, nurseries and bio-factories in San Salvador and San Miguel.
The visit was facilitated by AMEXCID through its General Directorate for the Execution of Special International Cooperation Projects. Sembrando Vida is a program of the Government of Mexico that seeks to contribute to the social welfare of seeders and planters through the promotion of food self-sufficiency, with actions that favor the reconstruction of the social fabric and the recovery of the environment, through the implementation of plots with agroforestry production systems.
The program seeks to address two problems: rural poverty and environmental degradation. In this way, its objectives are to rescue the countryside, reactivate the local economy and the regeneration of the social fabric in the communities.
Sembrando Vida is a comprehensive program that seeks to achieve sustainable communities that starts from Social, Economic and Environmental Components. With this Integral Vision, it energizes the socio-environmental and cultural diversity of the communities, contributes to the generation of jobs, the care of the environment and favors greater social cohesion.