Twenty participants from within the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise and the private sector are attending a four-day soybean training seminar in Muna, Yucatan, from March 28 to March 31.
The seminar will look at topics such as agronomic management from planting to harvesting, use of technology and innovation in soybean production over the course of 3 days. On day four they will participate in a National Soybean Forum, where a field day showcasing the different soybean varieties produced in Mexico will be held, technical experts from all over Mexico will share their experiences in the soybean industry, as well as businesses will exhibit machinery and value-added products.
Participants include Mennonite representation from Spanish Lookout and Blue Creek, CARDI, MAFSE Extension Department, farmers and members from the private sector. The soybean training sessions are part of the bilateral agreement for cooperation in agriculture signed between Belize and Mexico in August 2021. Since that signing Mexican experts have visited Belize several times to observe trials and share information on varieties, cultivation and best practices, while now Belizean farmers and extension officers are visiting Mexico as part of the program.
The training sessions are being organized by INIFAP, the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias (National Institute of Forestry, Crop and Livestock Research) .