On May 19th 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Agricultural Council (SECAC)and PROCASUR Corporation hosted a half day workshop on the Regional Strategy for Rural Youth for SICA countries at the National Agriculture and Trade Showgrounds Conference Room.
The objective of the workshop was to promote dialogue between national actors linked to the rural youth sector, to frame the Regional Strategy in the current national regulatory and programmatic framework, as well as to define lines of work derived from this regional instrument, to strengthen the role of rural youth in the development of their territories.
Since the adoption of the Regional Action Plan for Rural Youth in the SICA countries (2017-2021), approved on February 17, 2017 by the Central American Agricultural Council (CAC), important changes were registered in the context of adaptation of regulations, creation of organizational structures for rural youth and the availability of spaces for advocacy and participation, despite the great challenges that continue to haunt rural areas, especially in the face of crises such as the one caused by COVID-19 and climate change.
The National Rural Youth Plan of Belize was based on the guidelines and priority actions defined by the Government of Belize for the implementation of the Regional Action Plan within the scope of ECADERT. The National Rural Youth Plan seeks to promote equality
and access to resources, assets and opportunities that facilitate greater capacity building of young individuals and expanding their participation in decision-making and social spaces in the full exercise of their rights.
The strategic axis and activities included in the National Plan are characterized by proposing key focus points and solutions regarding the implementation of policies in favor of the country’s rural youth by approaching several challenges regarding the focus
of public investment and institutional articulation. These are based on the goals prioritized by the country regarding alleviation of poverty, promotion of employment and social equality. The Plan was created within the framework of the project “Youth Leaders for the Rural Territorial Development in the Central American Integration System (SICA) Region” and implemented by the PROCASUR Corporation and the Executive Secretariat of the Central American Agricultural Council (SECAC), with financial support by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).