June 15, 2022:
Extension officers from the Belize District Agriculture Department were in Lucky Strike showing farmers from that village how to make bio fertilizer and bio insecticides from commonly available material around the household and farm.
Extension officers Abimael Puck, Andy Che, Noel Ramos and Vicente Tuyub (supported by Cooperatives Department and RRB) held a demonstration session, using materials such as black pepper, garlic, soap, ashes, molasses, habanero peppers and various plants to make insecticides and fertilizers.
The session is part of an initiative to show farmers how to lower costs and substitute chemical fertilizers the world of agriculture is used to. Organically grown foods command higher prices and are better for the environment. Minister Jose Abelardo Mai has recently been very vocal in supporting the substitution of fertilizers, which are sky high in price due to the war in Ukraine and global shipping crisis.
The same sessions will be carried out in all districts as part of a campaign by the Ministry to educate farmers about making their own fertilizers and insecticide.