Highlights & Events

Sustainable and Inclusive Belize Program  Overview: The Sustainable Agriculture Program is designed to promote the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, increase climate resilience and environmental sustainability, and enhance productivity in specific crops and livestock production. The primary objective is to increase competitiveness and access to markets for farmers and agribusinesses. Program Benefits The program offers[...]
Representatives from the Mexican Agency for International Development and Cooperation (AMEXICID) recently visited Belize to assess the progress and development of the Sembrando Vida Project. The delegation engaged in site visits and participated in training sessions organized for farmers, focusing on organic bio practices. The site visits took place in several districts across Belize, including[...]
A successful five-day training on Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion (SHEP) concluded on March 1st, 2024, with 30 participants receiving certificates of completion. This collaborative effort between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) took place at the Central Farm Tilapia Hatchery Conference Room in Belize. The SHEP approach focuses on[...]
Livestock farmers in the Toledo district are confronting a substantial challenge with the surge in vampire bat populations, intensifying the risks of rabies transmission. In a proactive response to this emerging concern, the Toledo Agriculture Department implemented comprehensive measures throughout the week. Executing a series of bat trappings in Bladen and Mafradi Villages, the initiative[...]
The Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project (CRESAP) is currently hosting a two-day workshop for members of CRESAP, BEL, MOHW, BWSL, CED, and BSIF personnel. The workshop, hosted at the Ministry of Agriculture conference room, is being facilitated by Mr. Joao Quieroz, a Procurement Specialist from the World Bank. The workshop is designed to equip[...]
Veterinarians from across the Caribbean are convening in Belize for the 33rd Biennial Caribbean Veterinary Medical Association (CbVMA) conference. Hosted at the San Ignacio Hotel from March 5-7, 2024, this year’s conference focuses on the theme “One Health, One Caribbean, One Future: Veterinary Solutions Toward a Sustainable Tomorrow.” The event encompasses a diverse range of[...]
Katahdins Sheep
March 7, 2024 | No Comments
— the perfect blend of friendliness, adaptability, and low maintenance. With their unique qualities, Katahdins are an excellent addition to any small farm. Through the Sheep and Goat Breeding Center we bring to you a golden opportunity to enhance and upgrade your herd, thanks to the support of the Taiwan Government and the Government of[...]
Project Execution Unit
January 20, 2024 | No Comments
Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security & Enterprise Project (Monitoring & Evaluation) Table 1 Projects for Budget Year 2023 -2024 No. Name of Project Funding/Executing Agency Project Description Start Date End Date External Funding US$ Counterpart Funding BZD$ 2022 -2023 Approved Budget Counterpart Funding BZD$ 2023 -2024 Budget Request Project Type Comments 1 Belize: Climate Resilient[...]
  What is the Belize Agriculture Information Management System (BAIMS) The Belize Agriculture Information Management System (BAIMS) is a web-based application that serves as a central repository for all agriculture data. Data are used by farmers and policy makers to analyze agriculture data for proper timely decision making. BAIMS was developed by a local company,[...]
Genetic Improvement in Sheep and Goat Project Transforming Belize Agriculture Welcome to the impactful journey of Belize’s sheep and goat industry, shaped by the Genetic Improvement Project, generously funded by the Taiwanese Government and executed by Taiwan ICDF. Launched in 2015 at Central Farm, Belize, the project aimed to revolutionize the breeding and productivity of[...]
Today, a Handing Over Ceremony was held in Belmopan to mark the distribution of ten vehicles under the Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project (CRESAP). The recipients of these vehicles include the Meteorological Service, Belize Agricultural Health Authority (BAHA), Pesticides Control Board, University of Belize, Belize Marketing and Development Corporation (BMDC), and the Ministry of[...]
Blue Creek Credit Union has officially become a Participating Financial Institution (PFI) for the implementation of the Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture Project (CRESAP). The signing ceremony, a pivotal moment in the collaboration, took place today, with Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, serving as the keynote speaker and signatory[...]
A cohort of 25 dedicated women, representing nine cooperatives from across the country, celebrated the successful completion of a comprehensive one-week training course in value-adding processes. The training, held at Central Farm in the Cayo District, welcomed participants from diverse backgrounds, including both adults and youth. This impactful initiative is part of the broader project[...]
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony was held in Corazon Village in fostering the growth of the honey industry. The collaborative effort involved the recipients of the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) and the Ministry of Agriculture. Signing the MOU were representatives of Corazon High School and Mr. Jaleel Lino of the Youth Agricultural Development[...]