A group of 17 Belizean technicians are in Tabasco, Mexico, on a 3-day training program in coconut cultivation. The training is offered by INIFAP, the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias (National Institute for Forestry, Livestock and Agricultural Research) of Mexico. While in Tabasco the team will visit several farms and do practical work in studying coconut diseases such as lethal yellowing, red ring disease and black beetle infestation. They will also do DNA extraction training and laboratory work in coconut disease and pest analysis.
The objective of the training is to prepare Belizean coconut technicians in identifying coconut pests and diseases in the field and laboratory. The training comes as part of the bilateral agreement between Belize and Mexico in cooperation in agriculture. Mexican experts in areas such as soybean, soursop and coconut cultivation have also come to Belize to offer training as a part of this agreement.
The Belizean group comprises technicians from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, CARDI, SIRDI, BAHA, and from private farms.