More than 40 farmers from Corozal and Orange Walk attended a Pitahaya and Soursop training at the Yo Creek Station in the Orange Walk Districts. The session aimed for a participatory diagnosis on the identification of the technical-productive and commercial problems of soursop and pitahaya via SWOT and PEST analysis tools. The session sessions will help farmers to do analyses to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to their pitahaya and soursop crops.
The training session is part of the technical assistance agreed between Belize and Mexico for mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation in agriculture. Under the agreement Mexican experts in soybean and coconut cultivation are also visiting Belize to facilitate training in these areas. The training sessions and registration in the AMEXCID project Sembrando Vida are taking place all over the country to reach as many farmers as possible.
Facilitators for the training are from the Mexican Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP) or National Institute for Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock Research.