Safety Measures Advisory for Farmers in Flood Prone Areas
October 12, 2022:
To mitigate the potential effects of Tropical Storm Julia, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security & Enterprise hereby advises all farmers who are in low-lying and flood-prone areas to safeguard their families and livelihoods as needed.
All farmers are advised to observe the following measures:
· Crop producers are advised to
– harvest available and mature crops
– make a note of all crops planted and production amounts
– store harvested crops in cool, dry areas to avoid spoilage or losses
· Producers with tropical greenhouses or cover structures are asked to
– remove covering materials (UV plastic and anti-viral netting)
– safely store equipment and supplies
– make a note of all crops planted and production amounts, including taking pictures of the structure(s)
· Livestock producers are advised to
– temporarily relocate animals to safer areas
– ensure availability of animal feed and water
– make a count of all animals
· Farm inputs
– secure all farm machinery and farm inputs
– relocate all pesticides and pesticide containers to avoid spillage and contamination