Initial Stages of Registration of the Sembrando Vida project
The initial stages of registration of the Sembrando Vida project have taken place in Orange Walk on August 24 and 25.
Farmers from rural areas of Orange Walk registered in the pilot phase of the Sembrando Vida project, undertaken by the Mexican Government through AMEXCID, the Agencia Mexicana de Cooperacion Internacional para el Desarollo or Mexican International Cooperation Agency for Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise of Belize.
The Sembrando Vida project offers support for rural farmers throughout the country of Belize, and is being administered in other Central American countries like El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala as well.
Some 2000 Belizean farmers throughout Belize will benefit from the project. The pilot phase of registration has taken place in Orange Walk and will continue later in the year in other districts. The project will also include hiring extension officers to work with the beneficiary farmers to offer help with crops, planting, biofertilizer production, and bio-forestry. Farmers will get economic assistance, tools, seeds, fertilizer and technical assistance as the program aims to assist farmers from vulnerable areas of the country so they produce their own food, sell any surplus and become self-sustaining in food security.
Belizes’s participation in Sembrando Vida is part of the commitment made by president Manuel Lopez Obrador during his recent visit to Belize.