Hands-on Training Session on Bio-inputs
16 young people belonging to the Zion Youth Group in San Pedro, Colombia in the Toledo District attended a hands-on training session on Bio-inputs last week.
The objective of the training was to promote Climate Smart Agriculture Practices, in making bio-inputs to reduce the use of pesticides by introducing bio-fertilizers.
The hands-on training focused on the process of making organic pesticides, bio-insecticide to control leaf eaters, bio-fungicide, bio- ant controller and madre de cacao bio-fertilizer. The products elaborated were glass water (bio-insecticide), sodium bicarbonate-based broth (bio-insecticide) and Madrifol (foliar fertilizer).
The training was facilitated by Resilient Rural Belize Extension Officer Mr. Alberto Chacon along with MAFSE Extension Officer Mr. Adrian Mendoza. The youth group which participated in the training is composed of both males and females.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise continues to engage farmers and youth in these types of training in order to find alternative ways to overcome the soaring prices of agricultural inputs.