The Belize Marketing and Development Corporation’s (BMDC) rice mill in PG, is now operational, and serving the rice farmers of the Toledo district. At one time there seemed to have been plans to shelve this multi-million dollar investment, break it to pieces and sell the parts. With a change of government and administration came a change of attitude. Today the rice mill is churning out high quality Belizean rice, and the small farmers of the area have crops they can sell. Incomes are being generated and life is better for those Toledo farmers.
Rice Production in the Toledo and Stann Creek area has benefited from direct assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture which offers high level technical support throughout the production process. With the guidance of the Ministry and its multiple partners rice production in the south is experiencing a highly awaited improvement in the quality of paddy being produced.
Initially only Milpa farmers were present in the south and would make use of the mill; today both Milpa and Mechanized farmers have been delivering paddy to the BMDC mill.