On May 18th 2022, the Cayo District Agriculture Department hosted a Crop Nutrition and Fertigation training session for farmers of Agua Viva.
The training was facilitated by Extension Officer Mr. Amir Pulido along with Mr. Harold Westby and Mr. Alberto Gutierrez from the Irrigation Unit. The purpose of the training was to teach farmers the advantage of using fertigation.
Fertigation is a technique used to supply dissolved fertilizer to crops through an irrigation system. It is used for 1. Higher yields and better quality crops: The supply of nutrients to the crops according to the physiological stage, considering the climate and soil characteristics, resulting in high yields and high quality crops. 2. Increased efficiency of nutrients: Nutrients are applied to the root zone and uniformly, where the active roots are concentrated. Less fertilizer applied resulting on decrease of production costs. 3. Reduction of groundwater pollution: The exact dosage optimizes fertilization, reducing the potential for groundwater contamination caused by the leaching of fertilizers. 4. Greater convenience and economy: Allows use of fertilizer solutions, which is more practical than the solid or granular type fertilizers. 5. Efficient application of microelements: which are expensive and are required in small quantities. With the high cost of agro-inputs the use of this technique not only helps to increase productivity but also to reduce costs.