April 25, 2022:
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise (MAFSE) through the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) Honey Production Redevelopment Support Project (Honey Project) is currently conducting a weeklong workshop entitled “Training of Trainers in Advanced Beekeeping Management Practices” that is being held at the Yo-Creek Agriculture Station, Yo-Creek Village, Orange Walk District from the 25th to 29th April 2022.
The training includes topics such as i) group dynamics, ii) record keeping, iii) good manufacturing practices iv) Facilitation in Diversification v) Marketing and vi) Value-addition of Honey and Honey Products. This is being done with the collaboration of institutions such as the Cooperative Department, and both local and international consultants. The capacity building is aimed at enhancing entrepreneurial skills, organization, value addition and marketing.
The workshop forms a part of a grant agreement, Component 3 of Belize 2nd Cycle Country Assistance Program, that was signed on 21st November 2018 between the Government of Belize and the Caribbean Develop Fund (CDF). The overall objective of the Project is for the expansion of the honey production subsector in Belize, targeting the delivery of new and additional capabilities to women and disadvantaged youth to reap the advantages of employment and empowerment through sector specific knowledge acquisition.
The workshop is being held with 20 beekeepers and 5 Extension Officers from the Belize, Orange Walk and Corozal Districts.