Agricultural Labor Technician for Peasant Leaders Training Course
A delegation of 30 Belizeans are traveling to Colombia for a 90-day training course. On April 24, 2022, the first group of 15 Belizean left the Philip Goldson Airport.
The courses come through the project for Agricultural Labor Technician for Peasant Leaders. Countries participating are from the Mesoamerica Project which includes Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala and Cost Rica.
The Presidential Agency for International Cooperation of Colombia, APC Colombia, in compliance with its mission as a coordinating source of international cooperation, is seeking to strengthen South-South Cooperation with the countries of the Andean Community (Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru) and some countries of the Mesoamerica Project (Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala and Costa Rica). The project covers 30 full scholarships to each of the countries to participate in the course “Agricultural Labor Technician” that will be held In Colombia. The course will be taught by the PANACA Foundation under full immersion modality for a period of 82 days.
DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The Agricultural Labor Technical Training Program designed by the Panaca Foundation seeks to develop technical skills in agriculture and animal production, making the beneficiaries live the day to day of business productive units with high quality standards, under the guidance of specialized professionals and expert personnel who manage production processes in the facilities of the Interactive Center for Science and Technology of the Agricultural Sector, Fundapanaca.
During the development of the training modules, the beneficiaries will carry out practical activities in agricultural mechanization, operation of irrigation systems, management of semi-annual crops, establishment of orchards, livestock, pig farming, production of minor species. Simultaneously, the beneficiaries will participate in activities that develop their human and life skills, empowering them to become agents of change in their communities as integral beings strengthened with a positive attitude.
The course seeks to foster an entrepreneurial spirit and inspire each participant to develop their own life project and, at the same time, become an inspiring and formative model among the peasants of their own environment, guided by principles of discipline, leadership, respect, cultural exchange and love for the countryside.
Criteria’s Fundapanaca establishes as a profile for those who are going to take the course are the following: ✓ Be over 18 years old ✓ Basic schooling: mathematics and literacy ✓ Agricultural Vocation ✓ Demonstrate a sense of belonging to your community ✓ Communication skills and community leadership, ✓ Write and read in Spanish as well be fluent in the Spanish language. ✓ Be from a rural area.