Los Buenos Amigos Co-operative Society Limited of Trio Village signs a Matching Grant Fund Agreement
On Wednesday March 16th, 2022 the Los Buenos Amigos Co-operative Society Limited of Trio Village signed a Matching Grant Fund Agreement with the Government of Belize. Minister Mike Espat, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment and Area Representative gave the Welcome Address at the event and CEO Dr. Osmond Martinez gave the keynote address. Minister Oscar Requena and Minister Rodwell Ferguson also attended the event and gave remarks.
The Government of Belize (GOB), with financing totalling BZ$40 Million from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Green Climate Fund (GCF), and participating beneficiaries has embarked on a six-year Programme, Resilient Rural Belize (RRB), which aims to minimize the impacts of climatic and economic events on small farmers while supporting sustainable market access for their produce.
The Programme Management Unit of the Be-Resilient Programme (PMU), acting through the Ministry of Economic Development (Lead Programme Agency) and working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, has overall responsibility for programme implementation, including the administration and implementation of the Programme’s Matching Grant Fund. The main objective of the fund is to support the achievement of the Programme’s objectives by co-financing investments that would improve, in volume and quality, small farmer agricultural production and safeguard food security in the context of existing and projected climate change effects. Working with Producers’ Organizations, the Programme is providing support for the development of business plans, which identify proposed investments, including technical assistance and capacity building, aimed at achieving the above objectives, and which shall be used as the basis for accessing support from the Matching Grant Fund.
The Matching Grant Fund Agreement is for BZ$337,453.00 which will provide support to the members of the Co-operative to become more effectively produce, market and sell their agricultural products. The funds will be used to build/enhance an office, storage and marketing center in the community and the installation of an irrigation system including an industrial well. It will also support members with farming and other equipment to enable them to produce, market and sell their produce from a proposed 31.6 acres of pineapple to be cultivated by the Co-operative. In addition, the Matching Grant Fund Agreement will also finance a capacity building plan to improve management, reduce chemical use, improve water management for irrigation, quality control and enhance gender equity. The Government of Belize through the RRB Programme will provide separate funding to enhance two miles of road so that the farmers can more efficiently and effectively bring their produce to market.
The Los Buenos Amigos Co-operative Society Limited was registered on 1st August 2009 and is comprised of 17 active members, including five women and three youth and operate in Trio Village, Toledo District.
Below are pictures of the event: