Launching of the Honey Production Redevelopment Support Project and Covered Structures – Support to Small Disadvantaged Farmers
On Tuesday 3rd of December 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the Caribbean Development Fund (CDF) hosted the official launching of the Honey Production Redevelopment Support Project” and “Covered Structures – Support to Small Disadvantaged Farmers”.
The Ministry of Agriculture has identified beekeeping and vegetable production under protected covered structures as priority areas for development due to their high potential for enterprise development, economic opportunities for rural communities and their eco-friendly nature which coincides with the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy GSDS (2015-2020) which calls for new and emerging sustainable ventures with good economic prospects.
The “Honey Production Redevelopment Support Project” formulated and funded in collaboration with Caribbean Development Fund (CDF) has come at an opportune time to support various beekeeping initiatives which will focus on capacity building and training of beekeepers and local personnel, establishment of demo apiaries, organization and infrastructural support with equipment and materials to undoubtedly enhance the industry.
The project main objectives are to:
· increase rural livelihoods options through beekeeping especially among women and youth;
· increase national production and productivity of beekeeping, and to increase the quality of honey and honey products through the promotion of standards and good operating practices.
The second project on covered structure funded also by the Caribbean Development Fund (CDF) which spans over two years’ aim is to continue enhancing the capacity and capability of our producers in covered structure technology for vegetable production. The completed thirty structures will cover an area of 27,000 square feet or 0.62 acres. The project will ensure the participation of women, youths, indigenous people and/or other disadvantaged groups.
The project main objectives are to:
· Increase the efficiency of vegetable production under covered structures by improving the construction, design and irrigation systems of at least 30 structures by the end of 2021.
· Increase capacity building of extension personnel and farmers involved in the production of vegetables under covered structures by hosting at least 2 workshops for at least 10 extension personnel and 50 farmers.
Pictures of the event: