Census 2018 Update
The Ministry of Agriculture would like to remind the general public that the National Agriculture Census 2018-19 is still ongoing. Farmers who have not yet registered are encouraged to do so at the nearest agriculture office. To date a total of 6,468 farmers and 7,525 farms have been registered through the National Agriculture Census. A Farmer is defined as a person who produces half an acre or more and/or generates 30% or more of their household income from the agriculture activity.
The 2018 Census results data will be used to accurately project production and link the production to markets using the virtual market platform. In addition, analysis of the geo-referenced data will enable the Ministry to do remote sensing for the evaluation, monitoring and management of crop resources, increase the implementation of pest and disease surveillance systems, design appropriate drainage and irrigation infrastructure and improve climate risk management. The data gathered is stored in the Belize Agriculture Information Management System (BAIMS) a government owned web-based application.
The Census data collection is being conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture Extension Officers along with hired enumerators and is expected to end in June 2019.
The Ministry of Agriculture thanks all farmers for participating in the National Agriculture Census 2018 and encourages the registration of all farmers who have not participated in the Census to register.
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