The main objective of the Livestock Station is to promote, support and facilitate Livestock Development using appropriate technologies to increase quality production, productivity and the expansion of production through diversification and value adding.
The Ministry of Agriculture continues to play a major role in facilitating and promoting the development of the National Livestock Industry through the provision of both superior genetic breeding stock (swine, sheep and goats and dairy and beef) as well as technical support services and training provided to producers through the extension service and our partners in development.
Currently some of the cattle breeds that are being breed are Red Angus which is used for the production of meat for tourist industry and Pure Brahman for the improvement of performance and productivity of the livestock sector.

For the production of the sheep industry, the Ministry has been working in crossbreeding the Barbados Black Belly and Dorper sheep with the Boar goat in order to promote the production and export of meat. Moreover, for the swine sector, the Ministry is breeding the Landrace and Large White breeds to remain as foundation breeds for the production of quality pork in Belize.
The Ministry of Agriculture has four livestock stations located in Cayo (Central Farm), Orange Walk, Stann Creek and Toledo.
Some of the main activities performed by the unit are:
- Pasture Improvement for breeding stock with the aim of increasing quality, production and productivity of meat and milk through improved grasses and legumes.
- Genetic Improvement to improve the quality of the local cattle stock in Belize and ensure the continuous supply of superior breeding stock to producers through the use of Registered Bull.
- Artificial Insemination for Beef to improve the quality of the local cattle stock in Belize in order to ensure the continuous supply of superior genetic stock to producers through registered semen.
- Natural Breeding of Swine to improve the quality of swine herd in Belize and increase production and productivity through purebred, line and cross breeding.
- Natural and artificial breeding of small ruminants to increase production and productivity.
- Capacity building in the areas of Good Management Practices (GMP), animal health, and nutrition.
Contact Information
Cayo District (Central Farm)
Mr. Denzel Castillo – 804-2079/2129
Orange Walk District
Sergio Hernandez -303-2019
Belize District
Francisco Xiu -203-2842
Stann Creek District
Densford Mangar-502-2514
Corozal District
Leonardo Eck: 402-2297
Toledo District
Justaquio Tush -702-2689